Grow your Aesthetic Business
FASTER with Social Media

Stock photos · Captions · Graphics · Community


Imagine not having to think of what to post or
what you “should” be doing on Instagram or Facebook.

It's time to finally say goodbye to social media overwhelm, piecing your "strategy" together or feeling like a failure when it comes to connecting with potential clients online.

The Skin Socialite is your secret weapon to finally knowing what to do and what to say, to get more business and elevate your aesthetic business with social media.


Let's face it, friend ...
eeping up with the stress of having to run your aesthetic business and worrying about what to post on social is exhausting. I get it!

That’s why I want to simplify your life and give you a Monthly Success Pack complete with a monthly content plan, stock photos, captions, photo ideas and graphics all curated specifically for aesthetic practices.

A fresh content plan to take the guesswork out of social ⎼ delivered to you every. single. month.

Whether you’re completely new to social media or a seasoned socialite ⎼ you'll receive insider tips to grow our list, close more sales and launch new procedures and service offerings IN NO TIME.

Want to advance your aesthetic business in only 1-2 hours a week... or 15-20 minutes a day on social?

No more spending hours with your face in a phone in between appointments! 

What if instead you could ...

  • know EXACTLY what do on Instagram and Facebook to get more of the right kind of followers AND to turn those followers into paying patients, booked clients, and raving fans
  • get a monthly done-for-you posting calendar fully loaded with on-brand images, written captions, photo ideas and graphics
  • master your mindset so that you can start showing up on social in an authentic way that feels true to you
  • get back the hours you currently spend staring at a blinking cursor, second-guessing your latest post, or mindlessly scrolling through hashtags to only look up and realize you missed ANOTHER hour of your life
  • create high-quality content with simplicity and ease, knowing that what you post will help you gain more dream followers AND land more patients or clients

Instagram and Facebook are the social media marketing platforms you need to be leveraging in your Aesthetic Business right now!

From regular posts to captivating videos, stories and direct messages, plus email and advertising (#ohmy! ... social media isn't going away any time soon.  It's only getting more powerful. Your opportunity to master these platforms, build your loyal client base and have them enter your marketing ecosystem is here!

WHY most Aesthetic Businesses
abandon Social Media

Without a clear step-by-step social media plan most Aesthetic business’s get completely lost.

They fall victim to paralyzing “what-should-I-post-now” blocks, time-sucking tech hang-ups, or lack of clarity over exactly what they need to do to bring clients off of social and into their business.
This is irreversibly crippling, because as an already busy aesthetic business owner with clients to serve, services to fulfill, and a team to lead you literally can’t afford to head down the wrong social media rabbit hole.
The moment you get lost chasing the wrong marketing strategies it’s hard to get that valuable time back. Therefore, establishing a successful social media strategy is one of the few things in your business you need to get right as soon as possible.
Luckily for you, there are actually few people out there doing it right. In all likelihood, your competitors have either failed in their social media strategy or executing it without a strategy.

But you are so much better than a haphazard plan.

And even if you’re late to the party, there's a special seat and a golden opportunity for you to tidy up your current plan (or lack thereof), and build your business’s authority on social media like a pro.
That is ...
if you can avoid the same deadly social media mistakes your competitors are making. 
I’m going to let you in on a little secret ... Even though social media marketing is massive and quickly out-pacing the results of traditional marketing outlets it’s not an evenly distributed one. A few businesses will get a huge piece of the pie while many others will fizzle out.
The main reason is that while the barriers to entry are low... but the barriers toward EFFECTIVE EXECUTION are fairly high.
But, as long as you can avoid the biggest blunders that sink most aesthetic businesses from using it effectively, the path is paved for you, one that allows you to achieve more authority, create more income, and make an impact while scaling your practice to more profitability.
The key ingredient to all of this is: bringing in a consistent stream of businesses from your social media marketing.

With your permission, that’s what I’d love to show you how to do.


We have been able to use the Monthly Success Packs, Graphics and Training to increase our exposure with current and potential patients.

Heather’s program has helped us navigate social media in our practice.

She is so relatable and makes it easy to listen to and follow the videos. We definitely recommend using Heather and look forward to continuing working with her.

Kelly Bird, RN at Stephen P Beals MD


The Skin Socialite

The complete A to Z social media implementation plan for confidently bringing in more clients to your aesthetic business. 

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from selling thousands of products and services through online marketing efforts alone ⎼ along with my experience of working inside plastic surgeon and cosmetic derm offices as a medical aesthetician and certified laser tech -- and channeled it into a monthly subscription membership that not only delivers you a detailed monthly posting plan with images, written post captions, photo ideas and graphics, but also the actual strategy you need to grow your aesthetic business with social media. 

The Skin Socialite isn’t so much a training program as it is a done-with-you monthly implementation plan. 

Yes, you’ll learn the strategies behind everything you do but, more importantly, you’ll have a meticulous step-by-step project plan that leaves nothing out and takes nothing for granted as you implement it.

The end result:  An incredibly profitable monthly marketing  ASSET ready to be deployed and profited from each and every month.


Yes, this is exactly what I need!

The Skin Socialite is devoted to Aesthetic Businesses ONLY
This isn’t for ecommerce, photographers, Cirque du Soleil acrobats, or the like (although I do like those business owners, too ;) ), but TSS is exclusively for aestheticians, nurse injectors, certified laser techs, skin care pros and docs.

The Skin Socialite Membership ...

  • Gives you... an entire COMPREHENSIVE monthly posting plan with photos, captions and even graphics for the ENTIRE month...the whole kit and caboodle delivered to you by the first of every month.
  • Helps you..  get a steady stream of clients from social. Sure, growing your following is nice -- but follower count is MEANINGLESS without a game plan for getting followers off of social and into your treatment rooms.
  • Walks you through... the nitty-gritty action steps. No filler, no unnecessary modules, and no extraneous or premature strategies that look sexy on the surface, but do nothing but overwhelm you and sabotage your progress. 

  • Teaches you...  how to grow your authority and brand on social . The 80/20 of what you need to do in order to position your procedures, services and products to charge higher prices AND the way to continue to nurture, stay front of mind for patients once they’ve made it into your practice.

You CAN do this!​

Social media is NOT as complicated as everyone
else has made it sound.

You can create content with ease, knowing it's what your followers want and need from you. You can plan and post on social without the stress of coming up with the photo and caption in the moment. You can use social media with confidence to grow your email list, sell your treatments and products, and book your services.

Those aren't just things that THEY get to do - people with 100,000 followers and a picture-perfect life - these are things that YOU get to do!

When you join The Skin Socialite today, you’ll get access to:

Monthly Success Packs

By the first of each month, you’ll be delivered all the social media assets you need to rock your Instagram and Facebook posts: 
∙ 20 Aesthetic-focused seasonal stock photos
∙ 20 written post captions to go with each stock photo
+ ideas for when you want to incorporate your own images
Strategy, National Day reminders, plus quote and giveaway ideas.

Canva Templates Library + Training

Inside TSS you’ll get instant access to our Canva Template Library complete with trainings from our own resident designer extraordinaire Nicholette von Reiche. Want to showcase your next giveaway with a premium on-brand graphic? Need a template to showcase your Ultimate SkinCare Guide to grow your list? #wegotyouboo!

Monthly Masterclasses

I believe you should be taught by the best of the best, that’s why The Skin Socialite gives you access to a new masterclass each month with myself or an industry-leading expert. We'll cover topics like goal-setting, video, using story to market, Facebook Ads, email marketing, copywriting, batching content and more. When you join today you’ll get instant access to our Masterclass Archive.

*Bonus* Monthly Live Q+A's Coaching call

Each month, I'm live on video answering your questions during our 90-minute member Q&A call. You can submit your question ahead of time or tune in live and ask questions about what you’re learning in the TSS. All calls are recorded + available in your Membership Portal.

*Bonus* Private Members-only Facebook Commumity

Me and you are building something pretty special, my friend! Our members’ only Facebook Group is the most supportive community online. It’s the perfect place to connect with other aesthetic business owners, ask questions, get answers, and discover the motivation you need to keep growing your aesthetic business online.

*Bonus*  Aesthetic Social Success Course

My signature social media course to strategically use social to grow your aesthetic business! Upon joining, you’ll have immediate access to the first two modules, followed by the next four modules delivered drip-style over the next 4 weeks. 

Ready to join The Skin Socialite Membership?

Choose from two easy options below, but hurry doors close soon. Just thing about how much time you could you save and patients you could reach this holiday season?

The doors are closed right now to The Skin Socialite Membership.

But if you're looking for go-to stock photos, curated captions, visual templates and training to help you simplify social media and say goodbye to overwhelm and HELLO to a booked out practice then sign up to join the VIP list below and be the first to hear when doors reopen.

Working with Heather has felt like someone holding my hand while I leapt off a cliff into Social Media Land. 

I'm a Master Aesthetician with 40 years experience. I thought I was a dinosaur, a relic left over from another time (doesn't everyone know how to use social media these days?). 

Heather and her team are supportive, caring, knowledgeable, and easy to comprehend. Apparently I'm not as bad as I thought at this! I enjoy putting together Instagram posts and am getting great positive feedback from my guests. I feel in control of how I reach people with an authentic and consistent message, and thoughtful education on the vocation to which I have dedicated my career.

I'm growing my clientele with people who connect with my services.

If you are struggling with how to use social media in an authentic, consistent, peaceful way to connect to people who value your services as an Aesthetician, especially if you are in panic or fatigue mode, constantly feeling like you can never catch up or reach an audience, then this is for you. 

- Jocelyn Corkhill 



TSS is a membership devoted entirely to aesthetic business owners and teaches you how to grow your authority and brand on social.

Each month you'll  receive photos, captions, and graphics for the ENTIRE month.

No filler, no unnecessary modules, and no extraneous or premature strategies that look sexy on the surface, but do nothing but overwhelm you and sabotage your progress. 

What a great way to start your social media strategy! So many aesthetic businesses spend the first few years on social media taking shots in the dark and hoping patients and clients will magically start booking appointments from it.

By starting your social media strategy with The Skin Socialite, you’re likely to see a return on investment quicker from your social media efforts. Yeah, it might take a few weeks or months longer to lay the groundwork, but you’ve gotta do that anyway, right? Might as well make sure that you do it right the first time.

First: Good for you, friend! Consistency on social media is one factor in a great strategy. 

The question I’d recommend asking yourself is: Do I want to spend less time planning my social media content AND want a soup-to-nuts comprehensive system for getting a steady stream of patients and clients from social media? If yes, then The Skin Socialite will totally help you out.

Nope. These photos are for you to use as your own. No need to credit us or anyone else.

Absolutely! You can cancel at any time. Please note that If you cancel before the end of your membership term, you will not receive a pro-rated refund however you will continue to have access to the member library until the end of the term.

Ready to change your life & business?


I just love teaching what I know about my success with online marketing (through loads of trial and error) to others. Plus, I LOVE the aesthetics industry and getting the honor of combining two topics I love while while providing tools and resources to aesthetic businesses (like you!) is great. If I can figure this out, trust me, so can YOU!






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